Sunday, October 11, 2015

Checking in!!!

Hello little evil ones! Just thought I’d update you on the crazy week we’ve had here at The Abbey. Bernard’s accident with the cauldron last week has caused a huge uproar around here. It seems when he fell in the cauldron it made the potion go bad, so he threw it out into the cemetery, which made all the bodies dig their way out all at once. All of the skeletons are dancing around making it impossible to get anything done around here. The grave digger is working as fast as he can to get everyone back in the grave by Halloween, I just hope he can get it done in time. If he doesn’t, Halloween night could be just dreadful for all the little trick-or-treaters, and we wouldn’t want that…or would we???


PS. here's a video Grimm took of all the craziness:


  1. Wow, what a spectacle. A true dance macabre. All you need is a little haunting waltz music echoing from the other side.

  2. Very cool! Agree with Voodoo Ghoul :)

  3. THANK YOU! Halloween night we will have music playing.
