Saturday, November 1, 2014


Halloween 2014 is in the grave and we had a BLAST! Thank you to everyone who braved the cold and stopped by the Abbey, we have the BEST neighbors EVER!!! We are going to catch our breath for a while and then go to work planning next year. We hope to see everyone again in 2015!!! Until then, we have posted pictures from last night on our Facebook page, just click here. Or you can watch the video here. And be sure and LIKE our Facebook page to stay up to date year round.

Stay spooky,

Elizabeth, Pandora and Agnes

Monday, October 20, 2014


Early in October this year I got a call from the Count, bringing the wonderful news that he would be attending this year’s Halloween festivities at the Abbey. The news was wonderful because we haven’t seen the Count in many decades. He has been busy, spending most of his time in the southern United States. Apparently there has been some kind of trouble down there involving vampires and fairies and such. But that seems to be over now and he is looking forward to a relaxing Halloween with us and the residents of Pumpkin Hallow.
                There is one slight problem with this happy little scenario however; he is bringing two friends with him. I use the term friend generously because these two are not very friendly at all. They are two demons that he picked up when he was visiting down in Transylvania. When he got them they were just little imps. He brought them to the Abbey that first Halloween after he got them, which was also the last time he came to the Abbey. There was an awful trouble that night. It seems they just didn’t understand that the purpose of the evening was to give out candy to the little trick-or-treaters. They kept chasing the little tikes and trying to steal their candy. Why it was just frightful. I do hope they have learned to behave themselves over the years, but somehow I doubt it.

                Well I guess we will see how it goes Halloween night. I am going to try to keep them locked up in the portico on the front of the Abbey, but it won’t surprise me if they escape and start prowling around the cemetery. Just the same, I do hope you will join us again this year, just keep a tight grip on your candy…

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Just a note to let you know we are going to start leaving our updates and construction projects on the Facebook page instead of here on the website. We will use THIS webpage to tell you about the continuing story of Pumpkin Abbey as new characters are added and new and crazy things happen so keep checking here too! ~ The Pumpkin Abbey crew

Monday, October 6, 2014

Hello once again ghouls and boils...

We have been doing so much work here at the Abbey to get ready for this year none of us have had a spare minute to jump online and give you all an update. So tonight I knew I simply had to take the time. We have done some changes to the front of the Abbey and we are all just thrilled about it! Grimm took some pictures of all the excitement for you (and a little sneak peak of what we have for you this Halloween night! Just click HERE to take a look)! Of course we have been battling those ghosts like you wouldn’t believe, which of course is making things so much more difficult. They just won’t leave us alone.  And when we confront them about it they make up some crazy story. But we know they are lying, why we can see right through them!!! And they are always moving things around, making noise, and knocking things over. When we scold them they just claim it was a BOO BOO! Well, I should go, tomorrow is the full moon which means its cauldron lighting night! And of course that means it’s time to start on all those spells…I will send someone by later this week to let you know how it’s going.

Until then stay spooky,


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Seasons Greetings for 2014!!!


My sisters and I have come home to the Abbey to start getting ready for this year’s Halloween festivities!!! This year promises to be fantastic! Of course as usual it isn’t without its problems. Apparently while we were gone the Abbey was haunted by a band of ghosts. Now mind you I’m not prejudice, but those pesky things can be just down right annoying!!! Have you ever tried to do anything with a bunch of practical joking ghost around? Why it’s nearly impossible to get anything done, what with them running off with potions or hiding broomsticks. Oh, Pandora don’t sweep that thing under the rug, shoo it out the window, you know ghosts won’t stay where you put them. Oh, well! I just wanted to let you know we are dragging out the cauldron and sweeping the dust in getting ready for this year’s BIG EVENT! Either I or one of the other undead creatures from the coven will drop by from time to time to keep you updated.

So long for now, and talk to you again soon or should I say TTYL,
