Saturday, November 2, 2013

Thank you to all you wonderful spooks and goblins for another AWESOME Halloween!!! The Pumpkin Abbey Cemetery was full of all kinds of hungry little monsters begging for candy all night long...and we loved every minute of it (OK, maybe not Agnes)!!! We are going to take a short rest in our fresh dug graves and be back soon to start work on next year.We are staying at the Abbey this year so I will drop by from time to time to fill you in on our progress!  Until then Grimm is posting pictures from the night, drop by his page and check it out!!! 

Until then...STAY SCARY!!!
Elizabeth, Pandora, Agnes and everyone at Pumpkin Abbey!

1 comment:

  1. Glad that you had an enjoyable evening ...
    We liked the picture of the Witches at the window....
