Saturday, November 2, 2013

Thank you to all you wonderful spooks and goblins for another AWESOME Halloween!!! The Pumpkin Abbey Cemetery was full of all kinds of hungry little monsters begging for candy all night long...and we loved every minute of it (OK, maybe not Agnes)!!! We are going to take a short rest in our fresh dug graves and be back soon to start work on next year.We are staying at the Abbey this year so I will drop by from time to time to fill you in on our progress!  Until then Grimm is posting pictures from the night, drop by his page and check it out!!! 

Until then...STAY SCARY!!!
Elizabeth, Pandora, Agnes and everyone at Pumpkin Abbey!

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Cauldron has been lit!

Hello once again my scary little fiends!

So things have really started jumping around the old place. Last weekend was the annual cauldron lighting. Spooks from all over gathered here at the abbey to kick off the haunting season. I got to see so many old friends and made many new ones too. Of course there were the usual complaints as well; poor old West did nothing but bicker about that little girl that’s always trying to steal her shoes and throw water on her. And of course no one can forget Samantha’s Uncle Arthur with all his wise cracks and silly jokes. Grimm took pictures, of course, so I’ll get him to post a couple. Well that cauldron won’t attend to itself, so I better go. I’ll drop by later in the week with a little more detail.

Have a Great weekend!


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

First post of the 2013 Season!!!

Pumpkin Abbey Cemetery Halloween 2012
Hello one and all!

So good to finally talk to everyone again, it seems like forever since we last chatted. My sisters and I arrived here at the abbey last week and boy did we have our hands full. Last year when we left Agnes fired the caretakers without telling us. Well, someone come in while we were gone and cleaned the place up! Can you imagine? The grass was cut, the windows washed, and all the cobwebs cleaned out! It was horrible!!! So, we've been busy making the place nice and gloomy again, just the way we like it. We have put Frankie in charge of grave digging and making sure things fall apart around the cemetery. Alice and Bernard are pulling double duty around the Abbey helping stock the cupboards with potions and stuff for the cauldron. Crow has been standing watch over the pumpkins all season and this year’s crop is sure to be simply magnificent! Who does that leave? Oh, yes; Cousin Grimm! He has been taking pictures of everything in sight. I am going to be turning part of the blog over to him, so he can post his pictures and update the biographies section, so keep your eyes open for updates there! SO EXCITING!!! This year promises to be a fantastic year and another great Halloween, thank you all so much for letting us be a part of your year!!!!!!!

I will drop by again soon, until then stay scary!
