Sunday, October 14, 2012

Meet Frankie Stein

Good day one and all!!!

I hope you are all enjoying yourselves now that autumn is in full force! We have been so very busy here at the Abbey getting ready for this year’s visit. The candy is almost out of the cauldron and most of the pumpkins are ready to go. The caretakers have been getting the cemetery ready for the big night. OH! That reminds me, I never told you what those two rascals did over the summer while we were gone, well they were digging fresh plots at the back of the cemetery and they ran across some…let’s just say…left overs. Bernard, our new butler, fancies himself as somewhat of a mad scientist/witch doctor, and he came up with the idea to put the parts together and make a whole person out of them. Well his spell worked… sort of. The creature he created is dumb as a box of rocks. That thing lumbers around all over the place getting into all kinds of trouble squishing pumpkins and knocking the cauldron over. And I won’t tell you what Agnes thinks about the poor thing. Bernard named it Frankie, Pandora just calls him dumb dumb. Well I should go for now, I’ll talk to you more real soon!!!


Bernard (The Butler) Stein

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