Thursday, September 8, 2011

Meet Crow...

Hi everyone, my name is Crow. Elizabeth is really busy this week so she asked me to drop by and introduce myself. The sisters conjured me up a long time ago to watch over their pumpkin patch. I love the little pixies that scurry around here. In fact my best friend is Stix, who just finished making himself a new home from one of Pandora’s pumpkins, doesn’t it look GREAT! Oh, and check out the new sign Elizabeth and Pandora made to tell everyone about our new blog, those two do such nice work don’t they? They are both a lot of fun, however I try to avoid Agnes, she can be cranky sometimes. I am pretty sure she had something to do with Stix losing his wings (which haven’t grown back yet) but I can’t prove it. Well I will go for now but I will try to drop back from time to time and say hi!!! Have a good day everyone!