Saturday, November 4, 2023

2023 Walk through video!!!

THANK YOU TO ALL THAT CAME BY FOR TRICK OR TREATING THIS YEAR! It was a COLD night and a smaller crowd but we had a SPOOKTACULAR TIME!!! Click below to see the walk through video!!! (We are already planning for next year!!!)

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Saturday, October 14, 2023

 Better get your permit, the rumor is zombies are heading back to the Abbey…stay tuned!

Monday, October 9, 2023

 What fate awaits this Halloween…stay tuned, your only warning is coming soon !!!

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Halloween 2022 here we come

All the sooks are in place and ready…be sure to drop by for trick-or-treats Halloween night! Hope to scare you, I mean see you then!

"The Devil's Abbeycate"

Friday, July 24, 2020

Stay strong and scream on!!!

WHAT A YEAR 2020 HAS BEEN! And here we sit only 100 days away from Halloween!!! With that in mind, it is with GREAT sadness that we at Pumpkin Abbey announce that for our safety and the safety of the trick-or-treaters we will not be open this October. We will be looking to the future though, and hope to see all of you again in 2021!!!  Stay spooky ghouls and boils and most of all STAY SAFE!!!

Friday, November 1, 2019

What a GREAT time!

We had a GREAT night last night in spite of the cold!!! Thank you Cooper Neighborhood for another successful year! We are already plotting, I mean planning, for 20/20 until then keep track of the monsters at Pumpkin Abbey here and on our Facebook page!!! Hope to see you next year!!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Rain or cold we will be here Halloween night!!! All ghouls and ghosts, be sure you make your way to The Abbey and don't let Zobo the clown trick you out of your treats!!!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Coming Halloween 2019...Pumpkin Abbey: Midway Madness!!!

Make sure you stop by Pumpkin Abbey this year Halloween night, 
but keep an eye on your candy...

Monday, October 7, 2019

The show must go on...

NOTICE: Due to a death in the family, the Pumpkin Abbey production this year has been scaled back, but we will be here Halloween night as planned! Please drop by for trick or treating Halloween night and help us move forward. We will begin the previews for this year's celebration in the next few weeks, so STAY TUNED!!! Thank you to all for your support through the last couple months!!! 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Sneak peek at 2018...

Click here or on the PICTURES link above to seek shots of this years display!!! 
 Sneak Peek 2018!!!

Saturday, August 11, 2018

80 days and counting...

Good day one and all, Elizabeth witch here saying hello and getting this season started! Well, started here at The Abbey anyway!!! Housekeeper Alice claims her crystal ball shows we are in for a BIG FRIGHT this year! So, we are well on our way planning this season’s thrills, make sure you check in as often as you can here and on our FACEBOOK page to follow us on our journey for Halloween 2018!!! 

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Weeee’re baaaaack!

The lights are back on at the Abbey! Be sure and take a trip down 125th street to see what’s in store for Halloween night! We are looking forward to seeing you! And as always, like us on Facebook to keep up with the creepiness!!!

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Rain moving through...

Storms are heading through tonight, so the Abbey is mostly dark! We will hit the lights again tomorrow weather permitting!!! 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

2017 Season is underway...

Hello spooks and spookettes!!!

Things are underway for the Halloween 2017 season here at The Abbey! We are going to lay low in the grave this year and scale back on the display a little. BUT we are doing that because we have already begun work on next year, bigger and better!!! We promise 2017 will still be full of frightfully awful things that you won't want to miss! Follow us on FACEBOOK to keep up with all the goriness and check back here often, you don't want to miss out...NO, I MEAN IT: YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS OUT!!!!!

~The Abbey